Mission Possible: Living Your Baptismal Vocation

When we are baptized, we are united to Christ and given the commission:  “Go, make disciples of all nations.”  (Matthew 28:19)  But, what does that actually mean for us?  How do we do it?  Mission Possible is a four week interactive course that will help equip you to discover more of what this baptismal vocation is and practice some skills to actually follow it!  Topics covered will be:

–The message of the Gospel and how to share it in plain English

–How and when to share a simple story of faith from your life

–How to discern your unique mission as a baptized Christian

–How to accompany a friend or coworker through the stages of conversion

Logistics: All meetings will be held online via Zoom. Due to the content and structure of the meetings, we ask that you commit to participating fully during the series. The meetings will be 7pm CT – 9pm CT. We will hear the content as a larger group and then we will use breakout rooms for discussion and to practice the skills learned.

Susan Swanke is the Coordinator of Adult Faith at St. Christopher Parish in Verona, WI.  She forms and trains lay Catholics to live their personal mission in bringing the Gospel message to the world.  She believes that we have not truly experienced the fullness of the joy of being a follower of Jesus until we have had a chance to share Him with another.  She has over ten years of experience working in Catholic ministry and holds a Master of Theology from Christendom Graduate School.

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