2024 Events

Throughout the year:

February 15-17th: Online Dating Challenge 2024

  • Presentations on topics such as attraction, communication, mindset, attachment, roadblocks, cultural questions, male-female differences and complementarity, dating strategies, and more!
  • A testimony from a couple who met during the Dating Challenge 2022 and is now married!
  • Small Group discussions and time to connect!

April 23rd-May 31st: GS24 Spring Session 2024

  • 9th session with over 100 participating in small group discussions of 12-15 people from all over the country!

May 4, 2024: Walk to Mary, Champion, WI

  • Pilgrim with fellow NCSC/GS24 community members and over 5,000 other Catholics from around the world to the only Church-approved Marian apparition site in the United States. Details and registration links for the NCSC Walk to Mary group coming soon!

July 17-21, 2024: Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis, IN

23rd National Catholic Singles Conference

August 16-18, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada

October 1, 2024: New NCSC Community Platform Launch Party

  • We’re excited to be launching our new NCSC Community Platform which will provide even more opportunities for connections and regional networking!

October 22, 2024: First Connect4 Single Catholics Virtual Social – Free and open to all!

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