About NCSC

The National Catholic Singles Conference (NCSC) was created to give single Catholics the opportunity to grow and be in encouraged in their faith through talks by dynamic speakers, time for prayer, and various social opportunities, which provide a great balance of inspiration, fun and fellowship!

Over the last 20 years, since the first conference in Denver in February 2005, over 5,000 singles have participated in conferences in the following cities. (Check out our list of supporting dioceses and speakers here.)

Atlanta (2015)
Chicago (2007, 2008, 2009)
Clearwater Beach, FL (2009)
Grapevine (DFW area) (2016)
Chantilly, VA (DC Metro area) (2022)
Denver (2005, 2006, 2012, 2021)
Las Vegas (2024)
Nashville (2019)
Philadelphia (2013)
Phoenix (2017)
Pittsburgh (2017)
Plymouth, MI (2023)
San Antonio (2010 2011)
San Diego (2007, 2008, 2014)
Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) (2018)

A note from NCSC Founder and Director Anastasia Northrop

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

I’m excited to be celebrating 20 years of the National Catholic Singles Conference!

What Inspired The Conference

After hearing Mary Beth Bonacci speak on the Theology of the Body and singles, and with the urging of Dave Sloan to organize a conference especially for singles, with the help of another friend, I held the first National Catholic Singles Conference (NCSC) in February of 2005 in the Archdiocese of Denver. The first of its kind, it sold out with 400 attending from 30 states. Before the weekend was over, requests for the next one were coming in. And here we are, 20 years, 13 states, 23 conferences, and over 5,000 attendees later!

The NCSC Experience

It has been a great joy to meet and work with so many amazing people throughout the years and to see lives transformed. It’s always a delightful bonus to hear about new connections made – including several marriages!

It is my prayer that after each event, whether the conference or other online gatherings, we come away encouraged in our faith and our walk with Christ, inspired to give ourselves during this single time in service to others, better connected to our fellow brothers and sisters, and hopefully, more prepared for the vocation or mission to which God has called us!

NCSC has grown from a conference to an entire community of singles of all ages – with online events, study groups, our Relationship Ready program, member-led regional events, and even our very own app!

How You Can Help

Together we can help the National Catholic Singles Conference – and our ongoing National Catholic Singles Community – reach more people and touch more lives! We welcome volunteers to help with local and regional promotion of the conference and other regional events, as well as to assist with various logistical aspects of the conference.

If you want to bring the NCSC to your area (and have a team of friends who want to volunteer with you), please let me know!

In the meantime, please keep the NCSC Community in your prayers – and share the news with your single friends and family!

Christ’s Peace,

Anastasia Northrop
Founder and Director of NCSC



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