Connect4 Single Catholics

NEW! Join us for a fun evening of fellowship and connection at our new free virtual social!

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025, 7:30 – 8:45pm CDT

Why Join Connect4 Single Catholics?

  • Make Meaningful Connections: Engage in conversations that lead to friendships and potential dating!
  • Connect by Age & Region: Meet fellow singles based on your age group and location.
  • Participate & Share: Everyone gets a chance to shine and connect.
  • Grow Your Network: Enhance your social, intellectual, and communal capital!

Feel free to invite your single Catholic friends!

Connect4 Single Catholics FAQs

What is Connect4?
Connect4 is a virtual social designed to create a fun, intentional community experience! With guided conversations, breakout groups, and friendly facilitators, Connect4 offers a unique space for fellowship and meaningful connections.

Will I join group chats or one-on-one conversations?
You’ll be placed in small group breakout rooms where you’ll engage with multiple participants as you discuss fun reflection questions ranging from light to deep. This group format helps you connect with others in a warm and welcoming setting.

How are groups organized? Will I meet people from my region?
Breakouts will be based on region, age, or other fun combinations, so you’ll meet a mix of people from nearby and beyond!

What’s required of me as a participant?
To build a personal connection, we ask that all participants turn on their cameras in breakout rooms. This creates an open and engaged atmosphere for everyone. Please remain in the main room during the breakout sessions if you cannot turn on your video during the breakout sessions.

What’s the culture of Connect4?
Connect4 is a friendly space where everyone is encouraged to share openly, and participation is always optional. We want you to feel comfortable, supported, and part of a genuine Catholic community.

What’s the role of the facilitators?
Our facilitators set a welcoming tone, pose questions, and guide the event. In breakout rooms, everyone becomes a co-facilitator by listening, supporting, and encouraging one another to make the experience more meaningful.

Are there guidelines for group conversations?
Yes! We ask everyone to be present, respectful, and mindful of each person. Share when you’re ready, and appreciate others who may be in a different headspace at that present moment.

How do I share after breakouts?
After returning to the main room after a breakout, when invited, you can “Raise Hand” to share a reflection or takeaway with the larger group. Your insights help us all connect on a deeper level.

We’re excited to welcome you to Connect4 – a space for joy, faith, and fellowship with other single Catholics. Join us and experience the gift of an intentional Catholic community!

US Regional Map

(An international map is yet to come – but meantime, all are welcome to attend from any country!)

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