Fun, Fellowship & Fire – August 16-18, 2024

Hundreds of single Catholics will unite for Fun, Fellowship, and Fire at the 23rd National Conference for Single Catholics (NCSC) in Las Vegas (and online!) – August 16-18, 2024

Why Fire? NCSC participants and supporters globally are entreating Jesus’ Eucharistic Love and the fire of the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts and minds of conference participants AND the residents/tourist of Las Vegas!

Three FIRE Invitations: Participate, Share & Support!

NCSC invites you to join us by:
1) attending the conference as a participant or sponsor
2) sharing this with your network and
3) supporting God’s work through a spiritual bouquet pledge

Invitation 1 (for singles) – Participate!  

Are you single, Catholic, and free August 16-18th? 

Join hundreds of single Catholics from 35 states, 3 Canadian provinces and beyond for Fun, Fellowship and FIRE!

Can’t come to Las Vegas? Join Online!

“It was not only wonderful, it increased my faith!…I absolutely loved it! The things I learned were life changing!” – Cynthia (See testimonies from past participants here!)

Don’t miss the “Super Bowl for Single Catholics!” – Mark P.

(Sponsorships still available!)

Invitation 2 (for everyone!) – Share

Send a personal invitation to your network – via text, email, social post – and ask them to pass it on!

Invitation 3 (for everyone!) – Support with a Spiritual Pledge! 

All single, engaged, and married Catholics are invited to participate by joining the NCSC 2024 Prayer Campaign!

Spiritual commitments include: Mass, adoration, fasting, sacrifices, and prayer: the Memorare, the rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet – and more.

NCSC attendees are encouraged to commit to one hour of adoration during the conference. Adoration will be available from Friday evening until Sunday.

NCSC participants and supporters worldwide can record their spiritual commitments here to create our NCSC spiritual bouquet – offering prayers for all singles participating – and the host city of NCSC 2024 – Las Vegas.


Sponsors and Financial Supporters

To be a NCSC 2024 Sponsor, contact us at, or by phone, at 512-640-9572.

Donate to the 2024 National Conference for Single Catholics or the scholarship fund to help those in financial need attend here:

The National Conference for Single Catholics aims to inspire single Catholics in their daily walk – both in prayer and discernment for marriage or a religious calling AND in living a fruitful life in the present moment and bringing Christ’s love to the world!

Your prayers and sacrifices are efficacious! From holy, on-fire singles come happy, healthy vocations to marriage and the priesthood/religious life!

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!
St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, Pray for Us!
St. Michael the Archangel, Pray for Us!
St. John Paul II, Pray for Us!
Sts. Anne and Joachim, Pray for Holy Singles & Holy Marriages!

Genesis 1:28 RSV 28  ‘And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”’

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