Donation/Transfer Information

How to Donate your Ticket to A Scholarship Applicant:

  • If you discover that you are unable to make the conference and would like to donate your ticket to someone, please email us and let us know that you’d like to cancel your registration and give your ticket to a scholarship applicant. We will then cancel your registration and apply those funds for scholarships.

How to Transfer/Sell a Ticket to A New Attendee:

  1. Find buyer to purchase ticket. If you don’t know anyone personally, feel free to post on the Ride and Room Share page (under the Hotel and Travel tab) and let people know that you have a ticket to sell.
  2. The New Attendee/Buyer and Former Attendee/Seller must arrange form of payment. We suggest that you use PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or another reputable online payment platform.
  3. Complete payment transaction.
  4. Former Attendee/Seller must send an email confirmation that the payment has been received and processed and send us the new attendee’s email address.
  5. New Attendee/Buyer will be sent a promo code and instructions to register under their own name and we will cancel the former attendee’s registration.
  6. Transfer will then be complete.

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